Sponsored listings for International-Calling:
  1. Nobel Rechargeable Calling Cards
    1.4� USA, 1.9� Europe, 5.9� India, 2� Asia. No expiration date. Lower rates then ever. Buy online, use instantly, recharge anytime.
  2. International Phone Plans with Nobel
    Save more money on your phone bill. Enjoy Prepaid by Nobel offers lower rates than many competitors - compare our local and long distance plans with AT&T;, MCI and Sprint and you'll agree.
  3. CallingCard.com  International Calling
    Use any phone, pinless dialing, speed dial, 10 free minutes to call anywhere globally, 24/7 customer service, multiple billing options, low international rates to every country, and more.
  4. International Calling from Your Cell
    Try for free. Make international calls from your cell phone. No need to switch carriers. Low rates 24 x 7. Up to 100 minutes free.
  5. International Calling Cards - Pingo
    Pingo prepaid calling card service saves you money on long distance domestic and international calls. Sign up today to receive $5 in free calls. Visit Pingo.com today and start saving.
  6. Free International Calling
    10 Free International minutes. Pinless, Rechargeable, Instant Pin via email. Start saving 80% on every international call today. No credit card required to receive 10 Free minute pin.
  7. Cingular World Travelers
    It's easy to stay connected. Travel the world with your own U.S number.
  8. International Calling Card
    Pinless calling cards. 10 minute free trial. Call from any phone. Convenient pinless dialing, customized billing and unbelievable low rates. No credit cards required for free trial.
  9. 200 Countries Less than 10�/Min
    Call International from cell or home phone. No switching. No fees. No taxes.
  10. Cheap International Calls - $9 Free
    Call Instantly. No Fees, No Pin, No Obligations, Superb Quality. Clean Cheap Calls without the Hassles. We promise you'll love our service; the long distance alternative.
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