JewishCharities: Giving Opportunity
A planned gift is defined as a gift customized to the donor's objectives, maximizing both the value to charity and the financial benefits to the donor. Contact us now.
JewishCharities Fund Raising Charity advantage will build a free professional web site for your nonprofit organization. Our webmasters are ready to assist you. Includes marketing, donations online, and free software.
Give a Jewish Child a Chance
Make a difference in a Jewish child's education. Contribute to one of Oorah's many fundraising campaigns, allowing them to raise funds to support a child's Yeshiva or day school tuition.
Meir Panim - A Jewish Organization
Meir Panim in Israel was established in order to provide free, high quality meals offered in a respectable dining environment to those in need. Jewishcharities.
Catholic Relief Services
Serving the poor overseas with disaster relief and restoring self-sufficiency on behalf of the US Catholic community.